
1st Class


London & Paris

San Francisco

American Institute

Ch. Missenharter

Manf'r New York

Missenharter Brass Instrument Factory


# 6387 Cornet, Owner Ken Rogers.

Made between 1879-1883

Worcester, April 21 1883, The old firm of S. R. Leland & Son have purchased their old department of band instruments of Mr. C. H. Bowker, who retires from the business, and who for ten years, while a member of the firm had it in charge. This has always been an important branch of their large business and with that of band music will form a separate department. The Messrs. Leland, with their characteristic energy, intend to pus this to the utmost. Their leading instrument is the Missenharter, , they even furnishing sets in the far west. The change will not in any way interfere with the regular trade, being simply an addition to the business carried on by the oldest music dealers in the city.

text is from Leland catalog: